SmartESP VEGA smart home server
The server SmartESP VEGA is available in the following variants:
Local own server
You install and configure your own local server yourself. Registration allows you to send notifications and receive updates.
Public cloud server
Your separate account on our server on the Internet. A pre-built server allows you to get up and running quickly and easily.
Private cloud server
Our installation and configuration of your private server on the Internet. Maximum privacy and speed for large projects.
Get a cloud server Set up a local server
The options Enterprise and Personal do not require you to do anything complicated! They are already installed on our cloud server and ready to use. All you need to do is register in the Personal section, add a server and connect your gateway router to it. You can find more information about this in the documentation: Connecting to a Cloud Server.
If you choose the option Local, you will need to purchase or build a separate computer on which you can also install the SmartESP VEGA server yourself. You will find more information about this in the documentation: Connecting to a local server. The option Local is available free of charge! However, to receive project notifications and to update the controllers remotely, you will need to register in the Personal area.