Climate - Climate control v3 Configuration v3.3

One of the most primary tasks of a smart home, is to control and manage the heating in it. Of course, this is only the beginning. The next step will be to automate ventilation, as well as dealing with low or high humidity. These basic questions of creating a comfortable climate in the house or anywhere else, we have combined into one project Climate. With its help, you can easily start your home automation with one ordinary heater. Please note, there are several revisions for this project with different PCB variants, e.g.: ClimatePlaceHard , ClimateHeatFanHard, ClimateTriac.

  •  SelfTemp Board temperature
  •  AirTemp Air temperature
  •  HeatTemp Heater temperature
  •  AirHum Air humidity
  •  SelfFan Cooler
  •  FuseHeat Fuse
  •  AirFan Ventilation
  •  AirHeat Air heater
  •  AirHumid Humidifier

Climate PCB v3.2  

This is the basic version of the project and is best suited for familiarization and training with the principles of the smart home system. This version of the printed circuit board and clearly shows all the features of the project as a whole. However, it is rarely used in practice. This is due to the fact that this board is more suitable for small rooms with closely located devices. In practice, other editions of this project, which are more compact and specialized for specific tasks, are more often used: ClimatePlaceHard , ClimateHeatFanHard, ClimateTriac.

Printed circuit board and description

Typical board size is 92x92mm.

The fan SelfFan is controlled directly from the board U=5V, Imax=200mA.

Usually, the fuse relay FuseHeat controls the contactor that cuts the power supply to other devices.

The temperature control sensor of the module SelfTemp, can be placed directly on the board without connection via a connector.

The printed circuit board allows connection of a high voltage load, but note:

  • in order to reduce resistance, the switching tracks going to the relay must be additionally well tinned;
  • over time, switching a circuit with high current (more than 5A) can lead to burning of contacts, so it is rather educational, in practice it is better to use other editions of this project.
Universal! The designed board provides for partial placement of elements. For example, if you do not plan to use any sensor or device, you can not solder their radio components.
Attention! When working with high voltage, remember that it is dangerous to life and can cause fire!

Schematic diagram

Attention! The proposed circuit is typical and can be modernized according to your preferences and requirements. You do not have to use all the components specified in the schematic and connect them! Similarly, you can use this project not for its intended purpose, replacing devices and components with any other.

ClimatePlace PCB v3.3  v3.2  

Often, to heat a room, several heaters are used, which are placed at a distance from each other. Therefore, we have created a more convenient and compact PCB for the Climate Control project. This edition has a built-in power supply and wiring for easy connection of a fuse relay, a silent relay and two heaters. Using such controllers in different parts of the house allows you to gradually introduce smart heating without making global changes to the whole house at once. In addition, the load on the house wiring is distributed evenly.

Printed circuit board and description

The board has the following features:

  • Compact size of 76x64mm.
  • Contains a compact power supply HLK-PM01.
  • The power voltage is connected directly to the SRD-05VDC fuse relay with a maximum current of 10A. If it is not planned to use the fuse relay, a jumper can be installed instead.
  • Connectors SSR-3V3 and SSR-220V are provided for possible connection of a silent relay. If it is not planned to install a relay, it will be necessary to install a jumper in place of SSR-220V and change AirHeat from 4 to 13 in the configuration of the controller GPIO of the heater .
  • Connectors Heater1 and Heater2 are installed to connect two heaters in parallel.
  • Connectors AirFan and AirHumid are installed for additional connection of external relay units Universal B, Universal D, Universal E and the possibility of controlling the hood and humidifier.
Universal! The designed board provides for partial placement of elements. For example, if you do not plan to use any sensor or device, you can not solder their radio components.
Attention! When working with high voltage, remember that it is dangerous to life and can cause fire!

Schematic diagram

Attention! The proposed circuit is typical and can be modernized according to your preferences and requirements. You do not have to use all the components specified in the schematic and connect them! Similarly, you can use this project not for its intended purpose, replacing devices and components with any other.

ClimatePlaceHard PCB v3.2  

This version of the project is virtually identical to ClimatePlace, except that the fuse (or heater) relay has been replaced by a more powerful relay. This allows heaters with a total power of up to 2kW to be connected to the relay .

Printed circuit board and description

The board has the following features:

  • Compact size of 76x76mm.
  • Contains a compact power supply HLK-PM01.
  • The power voltage is connected directly to the fuse relay SLA-05VDC with a maximum current of 30A. If it is not planned to use the fuse relay, a jumper can be installed instead.
  • Connectors SSR-3V3 and SSR-220V are provided for possible connection of a silent relay. If it is not planned to install a relay, it will be necessary to install a jumper in place of SSR-220V and change the heater AirHeat from 4 to 13 in the configuration of the controller GPIO .
  • Connectors Heater1 and Heater2 are installed to connect two heaters in parallel.
  • Connectors AirFan and AirHumid are installed for additional connection of external relay units Universal B, Universal D, Universal E and the possibility of controlling the hood and humidifier.
Universal! The designed board provides for partial placement of elements. For example, if you do not plan to use any sensor or device, you can not solder their radio components.
Attention! When working with high voltage, remember that it is dangerous to life and can cause fire!

Schematic diagram

Attention! The proposed circuit is typical and can be modernized according to your preferences and requirements. You do not have to use all the components specified in the schematic and connect them! Similarly, you can use this project not for its intended purpose, replacing devices and components with any other.

ClimateHeatFan PCB v3.2  v3.1  

Unfortunately, not all rooms are initially equipped with a ventilation system, and new airtight plastic windows perfectly isolate air flows. In this case, you can install an inexpensive computer fan with a 12V supply voltage in the room as an extractor. It is already less noisy than a classic 220V hood, but in addition, this fan can be controlled with a PWM signal, that is, regulate the speed of rotation, making it even less noisy during the rest period. This edition of the board is similar to ClimatePlace, but has a built-in 12V power supply that is used to both power the chip and control the fan. That is, this variant of the board will be convenient to apply when it is necessary to combine both heater and extractor in the controller.

Printed circuit board and description

The board has the following features:

  • Compact size of 76x76mm.
  • Contains a compact power supply HLK-PM12.
  • Contains a stabilizer LM7805 to convert the voltage to 5V.
  • The power voltage is connected directly to a fuse relay with a maximum current of 16A.
  • Connectors for connecting a silent SSR relay are installed.
  • Contains a solid state relay unit based on IRF540N controlling a 12V fan as an extractor.
  • It is possible to discard the fuse and use its relay to turn the heater on directly. To do this, solder a jumper in place of the connector SSR-220V, and change in the settings of the controller GPIO of the heater from 4 to 13.
Universal! The designed board provides for partial placement of elements. For example, if you do not plan to use any sensor or device, you can not solder their radio components.
Attention! When working with high voltage, remember that it is dangerous to life and can cause fire!

Schematic diagram

Attention! The proposed circuit is typical and can be modernized according to your preferences and requirements. You do not have to use all the components specified in the schematic and connect them! Similarly, you can use this project not for its intended purpose, replacing devices and components with any other.

ClimateHeatFanHard PCB v3.2  v3.1  

This version of the project is virtually identical to the ClimateHeatFan, except that the fuse (or heater) relay has been replaced with a more powerful relay. This allows heaters with a total power of up to 2kW to be connected to the relay.

Printed circuit board and description

The board has the following features:

  • Compact size of 76x76mm.
  • Contains a compact power supply HLK-PM12.
  • Contains a stabilizer LM7805 to convert the voltage to 5V.
  • The power voltage is connected directly to the fuse relay SLA-05VDC with a maximum current of 30A. If you do not plan to use the fuse relay, you can install a jumper instead.
  • Connectors SSR-3V3 and SSR-220V are provided for possible connection of a silent relay. If a relay is not planned, a jumper will need to be installed in place of SSR-220V and the configuration of the controller GPIO heater AirHeat will need to be changed from 4 to 13.
  • Contains a solid state relay unit based on IRF540N controlling the fan AirFan for 12V as an exhaust.
Universal! The designed board provides for partial placement of elements. For example, if you do not plan to use any sensor or device, you can not solder their radio components.
Attention! When working with high voltage, remember that it is dangerous to life and can cause fire!

Schematic diagram

Attention! The proposed circuit is typical and can be modernized according to your preferences and requirements. You do not have to use all the components specified in the schematic and connect them! Similarly, you can use this project not for its intended purpose, replacing devices and components with any other.

ClimateTriac PCB v3.2  

This is a revision of a universal board project for operation with heater, humidifier and fan on 12V. It contains three relays, including the main power relay for the heater in the form of a triac BTA16. The power supply is wired to the devices through a safety relay. Three-pin fan control with a separate PWM signal is used. The board was designed for those who would like to make a series of universal units for themselves or for their customers. It assumes the use of a special metal housing.

Printed circuit board and description

The board has the following features:

  • 91x91mm size.
  • Contains four LEDs to indicate the states: System, Heater, Humidifier, Fuse.
  • Contains a Reset button for user reset.
  • Contains a compact power supply HLK-PM12.
  • Contains a stabilizer LM7805 to convert the voltage to 5V.
  • Contains a built-in solid state relay for the heater based on a triac BTA16.
  • Contains a 16A fuse relay HF115F for the heater and humidifier power supply circuits.
  • The SelfFan cooler power supply is rated for 12V, but a 24V cooler can be used for quieter operation.
  • A 4-pin computer fan with a separate PWM signal is assumed.
  • Solid state relay unit for the humidifier. The relay used is G3MP-202P with a recommended maximum current of 1A.
Universal! The designed board provides for partial placement of elements. For example, if you do not plan to use any sensor or device, you can not solder their radio components.
Attention! When working with high voltage, remember that it is dangerous to life and can cause fire!

Schematic diagram

Attention! The proposed circuit is typical and can be modernized according to your preferences and requirements. You do not have to use all the components specified in the schematic and connect them! Similarly, you can use this project not for its intended purpose, replacing devices and components with any other.

Recommended components

I2C module BME280 - temperature, humidity and pressure sensor
I2C module GY-21 HTU21 - temperature and humidity sensor
SSR-40 DA solid state and silent relay
Radial fan 30x30x10mm, 5V 150mA
Power supply HLK-PM01 from 220V to 5V
DS18B20 1-Wire Sensor - Heat Sensor

3D models

Enclosure for BME280/HTU21
Radiator cap
Cooler adapter
Adapter for 120mm fan
Enclosure for the ClimateTriac project

Video reviews