Dog - Dog box v3 Configuration v3.2
A project for home automation of a dog kennel. The main tasks will be heating and feeding the pet.
- SelfTemp Board temperature
- AirTemp Air temperature
- HeatTemp Heater temperature
- AirHum Air humidity
- WaterLevel Water level
- SelfFan Cooler
- AirHeat Air heater
- WaterBowl Water Bowl
- FoodBowl Food Bowl
Dog PCB v3.1
This is the basic version of the project, which contains a compact power supply unit as well as various relays to control all devices. Part of the devices assumes 12V power supply. However, there are device signal connectors on the board and you can connect various universal modules to them, e.g. Universal B, Universal D, Universal E.
Printed circuit board and description
Typical board size is 92x92mm.
Fan control SelfFan is realized directly from the board U=5V, Imax=200mA.
Temperature control sensor of the module SelfTemp, can be placed directly on the board without connection via a connector.
The circuit provides connection of an external LED Led, signaling the controller operation.
Contains a compact power supply HLK-PM12 for 12V.
Contains a stabilizer LM7805 to convert the voltage to 5V.
The power voltage is connected directly to the air heating relay AirHeat with a maximum current of 16A.
Contains a block of solid-state relay based on IRF540N for controlling the drinker WaterBowl with a voltage of 12V and a power of no more than 2W.
Contains a solid state relay unit based on IRF540N for controlling the power supply FoodBowl with a voltage of 12V and a power of not more than 2W.
The circuit provides power supply PwrSens for the sensor WaterLevel, only at the time of measurement. This is done in order to reduce the corrosive effect of sensor degradation.
To determine the water level in the drinker is used sensor WaterLevel with analog output. It can be capacitive or resistive type, maximum signal voltage up to 3.2V. The sensor is calibrated in the "Controller Service" section, tab "Configuration". For this purpose, the minimum and maximum values are set when it is completely wet and dry. Based on these values, a resulting reading from 0 to 100% will be generated. You can check the reading in the "Controller Service" section, "Report" tab, where the current analog value is displayed WaterLevelRaw.
Schematic diagram

Recommended components

3D models